The Regional Public Health Networks (RPHNs) were established to ensure coordinated and comprehensive delivery of essential public health services. Thirteen agencies are funded by NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to convene, coordinate, and facilitate an ongoing network of partners to address regional public health needs.
Currently, the RPHNs are building regional capacity in four broad areas:
- Convening a Regional Public Health Advisory Council comprised of leaders from key community sectors to serve in an advisory role to public health partners in their region. These regional Councils are also building additional capacity among regional partners to protect and promote the overall health of their communities.
- Increasing ability to address substance use disorder across the alcohol and other drug continuum of care. This work is a three pronged approach. The first is delivering appropriate and effective substance misuse prevention and related health promotion services through the implementation of the Strategic Prevention Framework. The second is implementing strategies to address substance misuse among the young adult population. The third approach consists of developing a comprehensive, effective, and well-coordinated substance use disorders Continuum of Care (CoC). The CoC includes health promotion, prevention, early identification and intervention, treatment, recovery support services. This work is also aligned with the Integrated Delivery Networks (IDNs), which are piloting programs to improve coordination of services across the health care, behavioral health, and social services sectors for individuals enrolled in Medicaid with chronic mental illness and/or substance use disorders.
- Planning, training for, and responding to public health emergencies based on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 15 Preparedness Capabilities. This is accomplished by improving the overall preparedness and resiliency of communities, while also developing specific emergency response capabilities across the public health, health care, and behavioral health systems.
- Expanding the delivery of other public health services and programs in order to improve population health and community resilience. This is accomplished by developing a coordinated approach among regional public health partners under the guidance of the Public Health Advisory Council, with much of the focus addressing regional health priorities. Each RPHN has developed a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) specifically designed to meet the needs of their community. For a listing of the RPHN CHIPs, visit the Division of Public Health Services website.
For more information about the variety of public health programs available in your RPHN, please select your town or RPHN from the drop down menu above.